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After the death of Chintan Rajpuriya, a dedicated father, husband, son, and friend From Gujarat, India, this page has been created by Ankur Shah (MarkBrook Community Located at Kipling Steels, Etobicoke ON) to support Chintan's Family and children directly.
A Note from Mansi - Wife of Chintan.
As many of you know, Friday morning we experienced yet another tragedy when Chintan completed suicide.
Here is the Brief History of Life Story of Chintan.
An Inspired Life from Friends and Family, Chintan First went to Australia in 2006 On student Visa permit, have studied well over there, but unfortunately could not be able to secure Permanent Status in Australia. So he had no option but move to another country with Family.
In the year of 2008 he and Family went to London, UK on Student Visa again, here he had completed his MBA in HR, and supposed to get his 3 years Work Permit but by the time he completes his study, the country of Great Britain, Changed the Rules, and He only got Work Permit for 1 year and again Gone back to India since they had no choice.
Due to Social Pressure, they again tried for USA and came to USA on Student Visa, he finished his study but Hard Luck comes here as well, as anybody from Family couldn't Secure H1 Visa Status, so they tried for Canada PR.
Canadian PR Invitation gone through, again Hard-luck came in between and here Their Immigration Agent have did Error to submit necessary document for Australia, so this follows everywhere from Aus, To UK, To USA and Now in CAD as well.
Finally, somehow they managed to secure Work-Permit Status in Canada.
During this whole span of 13 years, Family could not save much assets, since all the savings gone through Immigration Status and Another necessary requirements. Finally, the Family was committed to do well, as Canadian Government and Community help was there is Great Canada, family was on track, then from March, 2020, COVID-19 Takes place, where family's On Track life again got tumbled, Depression from Everywhere and Unable to met with social life in Lockdown, Mr. Chintan Rajpuriya, Go so much Depressed that suddenly he took decision to jump from window and committed suicide on 10th July, 2020 at 11.30 am.
In the Family, he was the sole earning person, and suddenly after this decision, the family loose the financial support and left with no savings in the bank after Covid-19. Family have 2 Kids, aged 9 years Daughter and 4 years old Son. At present family is under serious financial Crisis. We the Member of MarkBrook Community Support, committed to raise fund for Funerals and other belonging of the Family's Expense.Our Goal is to secure and Prevent this kind of Accidents happened again in our community regardless of Race and Nationality by giving them somewhat Financial and Social help to restart the Life with little bit peace of Mind.
Need support from whole community around the world in this good cause and help the family out.
Thank you.
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